Who Is Kelly?

Kelly is a Behavioural Specialist, Researcher and Corporate Consultant who has worked with women in male-dominated fields for over 15 years. Having personally worked in several non-traditional industries including technology, geosciences, construction and resource development, Kelly has first-hand experience of what it’s like to be a woman in a male-dominated field. She takes that practical knowledge and combines it with her academic degrees in Psychology (bachelor’s with a social behavioural focus) and Gender Studies (master’s) to create programs and workshops that educate and empower.


After years of working with women technologists, engineers, scientists, advisors and programers and more, Kelly has compiled comprehensive data on what works and what doesn’t. And, while other professional development, leadership and retention programs may highlight the need for women to focus on such things as their sales pitch, Kelly knows from first-hand experience that what many women in male-dominated fields actually need are useful and tangible tools, tips and tricks to help them survive and thrive while rising above the systemic challenges they face.

While working in different male-dominated fields, Kelly regularly searched for support and training in how to best handle the challenges of “working while female” but it didn’t exist. So, she started her own company, Strong Women Co, to help women get the education and support they need to survive and thrive in their careers while helping employers and industries retain female workers and create healthier workplace cultures. Strong Women Co’s programs and workshops are proven to help participants build a toolkit of real-world strategies that assist in creating healthy, productive workplaces and industries while increasing employee/member satisfaction and retention.

Workshop Topic

How to Survive & Thrive in Male-dominated Fields

(2.5-3 hours)

  • Learn tips and tricks from experts in how to survive and thrive
  • Learn things you can do to be happy in your job while protecting yourself
  • Learn how to dismantle problematic ideas in the workplace, including sexism
  • Brainstorm, share stories and build community with other committee members


What I Learned From Being A Sister in the Brotherhood

(30-60 mins)

In this interactive speech Kelly goes through some the things she learned while being the only woman in the field, on the committee or in the job. In a light-hearted way, she regales stories of what living and working with an all- male crew in the dessert was like, what being the first female Business Rep/Organizer for the Carpenters Union was like and a whole lot more. There’s a lot of lessons to be learned from each other and Kelly wants you to learn from hers, and maybe even have a laugh along the way!