• Want to blast through your blocks?

    In this program we’ve seen clients blossom, grow,
    heal, get clear, find strength, break patterns,
    let go, shine and MORE!

    Learn More

One-On-One Breakthrough Program

What would your future like look like if you let go of the things that keep you “living small”?

Want to blast through your blocks and get clear?

We can help! This is what Women’s Empowerment Specialist, Kelly Hickey, lives for!

Imagine how clear, confident and POWERFUL you could feel with a dedicated coach in your corner!

If you’ve found yourself here, it may be because there’s a part of you that could use some help, encouragement and support.

Maybe you’d like to learn better self-love, self-care and self-respect.
Maybe you have blocks you want to breakthrough and move on from.
Maybe you want to learn how to embrace your truth and shine brighter.

Maybe you feel like you could use a change but you’re not sure what to do.
Maybe you’re wondering about a big career move or life change and you’d like to “spit ball” your ideas with an experienced, compassionate, no B.S. coach.

In this program we’ve seen clients blossom, grow, heal, break patterns, let go, shine and so much more. 

Here’s a review from a Breakthrough Session client:

“When I think of Kelly, I think of this warrior Goddess who, for some reason unknown to womankind, decided we were worthy of her time. I’m so grateful she’s my business (and stop bullshitting yourself!) coach; I wouldn’t be where I am today if it weren’t for her. In a matter of hours, she cut through so many old patterns, made me see what I don’t see when I look in the mirror, and gave me the confidence to become the writing coach I’m meant to be. Sister, I bow to the divine in you, now and forever.” – Marielle (Amsterdam)

Imagine what YOU could accomplish

with our Breakthrough Package.


What’s a “Breakthrough Session”?

It’s a supercharged, intensive session where you blast through your blocks and get clear on what you need! It can be online or in person. And if they go to 1.5 hours or even a little more, then so be it! This is important work!

In your Breakthrough Session, we can tackle one specific issue, topic or problem that’s holding you back or kicking up “confusion dust.” Confusion dust is what your ego kicks up when you know you need to take action but are unsure what next steps to take.

In your Breakthrough Session, we cut through all the noise so you can see your path ahead more clearly!

Deep down your soft-soul voice knows what to do – learn how to listen to that beautiful, insightful voice!

Find out what’s holding you back!

Blast through fear and old thought patterns!

Get clear on your next steps towards the life you want!

YOUR Breakthrough Package with Women’s Empowerment Specialist, Kelly Hickey, includes:

  • “Breakthrough Session” worksheets to dig deep into the issue(s) at hand
  • TWO “Gaining Clarity” sessions with Kelly to blast through blocks and GET CLEAR! (usually one month apart)
  • Your choice of Goddess semi-precious stone bracelet! Choose from Self-Love, Strength & Courage or Peace & Calm. PLUS you get an FREE Goddess meditation! ($46 value including shipping)
  • A specialized “Goals and Dreams” worksheets to stay on track after our sessions
  • Suggested resources and readings to help you on our path towards total EMPOWERMENT!

Special BONUS:

A Self-Love jar of affirmations to help you on your Self-Love journey! 

There’s a lot of healing and growing in this program.
It’s all about helping you to be your strongest, happiest and healthiest self!

You get A LOT with this package! We’ve seen how effective this bundle is and we are thrilled to offer ALL this stuff (worksheets, breakthrough session, Goddess bracelet and meditation, goal sheets, personalized meditation, suggested readings AND the BONUS Self-Love Program ($199 value)!) for just $289.

This program is perfect for a woman who wants to feel stronger and more confident.
It’s specially designed to help women become more comfortable in their own skin while understanding themselves better.
This program has a proven track record of blasting through “blocks” that hold women back.

In five years time, what will you remember about right now?
Will you remember the chance you took on yourself?
Will you remember the time and money you invested in yourself?

Here’s a great opportunity to take charge of your life

and be the QUEEN of your journey

just as you were born to be!

Do yourself a favour and get this Breakthrough Package today!

Don’t second-guess yourself.

You can do it!

You CAN BLAST through those fears!

You CAN get CLEAR on your next steps!

And you don’t have to do it alone or unsupported!

No woman is an island!

Help is here.

You deserve it.


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