Are you a company or organization looking to attract, recruit and retain female talent?
Would you like to actively promote a healthy work culture?
Do you want to compete more effectively by being an “Employer of Choice”?
We have workshops for you!
Live and Interactive
Our women-centered workshops are designed for attendee engagement and learning. Each workshop has a blend of live presentations, worksheets and group discussions. At Strong Women Co we believe it is important for each woman to be given space for her voice so whenever possible we make sure to include time for each participant to speak and engage with the material and the other attendees. Click here to add your own text
Customized workshops are effective workshops
We love to customize workshops and programs for each of our clients because we know that’s how to lead the most effective trainings! Each workplace and organization has its own culture and we like to incorporate those realities into our curriculum. Whether there’s certain topics to be highlighted or special examples to be shared, we like to help participants relate and engage in the material for maximum benefit.
Pre and post-workshop activities
Each of our workshops comes with both a pre-workshop survey of participants & management to identify needs and customize content and post-workshop resources to continue support and learning.
Proven results
After investing in our workshops our corporate clients (such as Schlumberger) have reported increased retention in their female employees!
Participants surveyed report increased satisfaction with their careers and career paths!
Participants of our programs have reported increased confidence and clarity in how to achieve their goals AND an increased faith in their abilities!
Logistics and size
Our workshops can be done in-person or as online interactive webinars. Each workshop can be accommodated to fit most sizes of workforces. Contact us with your specific needs and we’ll customize to your workplace needs.
Sustainability Ecofeminist values are at the core of our operating mandate
We conduct all of our programs and workshops with minimal effect or cost to the environment. And all though we are very happy to conduct trainings in-person, by offering many of our workshops and programs online we are able to reduce our carbon footprint while increasing accessibility.
Here are our workshops to choose from!
Women’s Leadership Workshop
This workshop is designed to help participants increase their leadership confidence, knowledge and skills.
Topics covered through presentation, activities and group discussion:
- What does leadership look like for you?
- How has society’s expectations of leadership shaped our views?
- What are some good examples of good leadership?
- Current women leaders that are changing the leadership game.
- How is women’s leadership different?
- What challenges do women face in leadership?
- What are the benefits of having more women in leadership roles?
- What can we do to support other women in leadership?
Personal worksheets and group activity
- What’s your leadership style?
- Building confidence in your leadership abilities
The Upside to Mothering/Incorporating Parenthood
This workshop is designed to provide helpful information, research, tools and tips to help women who are or may want to be mothers.
Topics covered through presentation, activities and group discussion:
- What’s the best age to have children?
- One child vs multiple children – the benefits and challenges of each
- Challenges of being a “Working Mother”
- Benefits of being a “Working Mother”
Included tips and tricks to help you survive and THRIVE!
- Setting realistic expectations
- Making meals easier
- Importance of sharing stories
- Making things easier on yourself
- Sharing the load
- How prioritizing in the moment helps
- How and when to ask for help
- Building your tribe
- Self-care necessities
- How to reduce stress of childcare and other concerns
- How to get your multi-prong childcare team together
- How to increase your joy and mindfulness
Working While Female
This is an interactive workshop designed to give useful strategies, tools, tips and tricks on how to navigate the workplace as a woman.
Learn real-world techniques you can use to remove barriers, survive and thrive in their workplace!
Part One: Building your confidence and self-knowledge
Participants get to know (and are reminded of) their aptitudes and strengths through a fun and interactive skills inventory questionnaire. Participants will list their skills and experiences in a guided exercise.
Part Two: Building your skills and strategies toolbox
- Learn real-world techniques you can use to remove barriers, survive and thrive in their workplace!
- Learn how to identify good-natured behaviour from disrespectful and inappropriate behaviour.
- Learn helpful sayings and tactics they can use to communicate effectively while minimizing risks and backlash.
- Learn why people make inappropriate remarks in the first place.
- Learn a list of suggestions and strategies while getting an opportunity to practice them.
- Learn how to point out sexism or other bad behaviour without it being unbearable afterwards.
- Learn how to not take negative and implicit bias personally.
- Learn how to identify and rise above potential sexual harassment and bullying at work.
- Learn tangible self-care suggestions to survive and THRIVE
Building Strengths, Skills and Confidence
This workshop is designed to encourage and empower participants to be confident leaders in their lives, workplaces and communities which increasing awareness and confidence in their strengths and skills.
Participants get to know their aptitudes and strengths through a helpful skills inventory worksheet and guided exercise by Kelly. (Participants always seem to love this part!) It’s an empowering exercise that helps people take stock of their strengths, skills and resilience!
Topics covered through presentation, activities and group discussion:
- What are your strengths?
- What are some of the biggest lessons?
- How were you resilient in the past?
- What challenges have you overcome?
- What advice would you give 10 year old you?
- What skills would you like to further develop?
- What resources could you use to advance your skills and confidence?
Mapping Out and Achieving Your Goals!
In this workshop participants dig deep and ask themselves what they want professionally and personally through al goal creating exercises. They then “draw” an achievable “map” to a few of those goals with Kelly’s help and guidance along the way. We also include an exercise on how to overcome possible barriers that may come up! This is a powerful exercise that helps participants gain focus, clarity and confidence.
Topics covered through presentation, activities and group discussion:
- Naming personal and professional goals
- Listing the steps to achieving those goals
- Creating a realistic timeline of targets and milestones towards goals
- Listing possible barriers to your goals
- Brainstorming solutions to overcome those barriers
Self-Care to Surive AND Thrive
Self-care is crucial in today’s busy world and too often we ignore our own needs leading to significant negative health effects. In this part of the workshop participants get real world self-care suggestions and take a self-care pledge! It’s all about learning how to survive AND thrive!
Topics covered through presentation, activities and group discussion:
- History of self-care
- Realities of self-care
- Understanding personal cycles
- Avoiding “burnout”
- Real world self-care suggestions
- Acknowledging our physical and emotional needs
- Healthy coping mechanisms
- Healthy Boundaries
- Creating space for good, sustainable mental health
We can’t wait to work with you!
Book 2 or more workshops and get a 20% discount!
Contact us to check availability!